Diskon Ongkir Indahnya Weekend


Beautiful Weekend Shipping Discount

Beautiful friend, no need to worry anymore if you want to send packages on weekends, because the discount promo every weekend is only in Indah Logistik. Get a special 30% discount on Saturdays and 50% discount specifically on Sundays for shipping from all over Indonesia. Send weekend packages, lots of luck.


  • Discount Promo only valid Saturday and Sunday
  • This discount promo only applies shipping using land and sea services
  • This discount promo is only valid for weighing 11 kg onwards
  • This discount promo only applies to individual customers, cash transactions and BB
  • This discount promo is effective starting February 4 2023
  • Indah Logistics Parties have the right to modify the terms & conditions without prior notice.

    For questions or need other information, you can contact:

    Call Center: 021-8062 7000

    Whatsapp Official: 0811 894 4456

    Beautiful friend, no need to worry anymore if you want to send packages on weekends, because the discount promo every weekend is only in Indah Logistik. Get a special 30% discount on Saturdays and 50% discount specifically on Sundays for shipping from all over Indonesia. Send weekend packages, lots of luck.


  • Discount Promo only valid Saturday and Sunday
  • This discount promo only applies shipping using land and sea services
  • This discount promo is only valid for weighing 11 kg onwards
  • This discount promo only applies to individual customers, cash transactions and BB
  • This discount promo is effective starting February 4 2023
  • Indah Logistics Parties have the right to modify the terms & conditions without prior notice.

    For questions or need other information, you can contact:

    Call Center: 021-8062 7000

    Whatsapp Official: 0811 894 4456

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